Many of you know I’m a taboo teacher, but that’s not all I’m capable of! Actually, I’m training in erotic massage therapy too. After much convincing from a girlfriend of mine, I figured I would join her on her erotic massage therapy business. Since I have the perfect figure and the mind, I was perfect for the job.
Truthfully, we don’t work for just any old rub and tug shop! We work online, and we do in calls and out calls much like an escort. When a guy finds our ad online, he will give us a call and we will meet up with him either in a specified location or a classy 5-star hotel room. Then we continue with a full body session finished off with a happy ending experience.
Lately, a few of my phone clients have taken an interest in this pursuit of mine. I have learned to incorporate what I’ve learned at massage school and have applied it to my JOI sessions. I can instruct you on how to pleasure yourself to your maximum capabilities while you let your mind go wild with your massage therapist fantasies. You can actually become a part of my journey and enjoy a relaxing experience every moment we speak.